“These Hands Are Not Mine” is our first short film, completed in 2023. It follows a struggling writer as he begins to question his identity, becoming increasingly paranoid that his döppleganger is stalking him. This film takes inspiration from Robert Louis Stephenson's the "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde", and is a physiological thriller that calls back ot classic films of Kubrick and Fincher.
"These Hands Are Not Mine" was directed by Telly Bitsakakis and written by Aliki Bitsakakis. It is staring rising talent Kosta Athanasellis and the music and sound design was done by Theo White of the Toronto indie pop group CityBuilders. "These Hands Are Not Mine" is currently running through the film festival circuit. With 6 laurels to date from Lift-Off Filmmaker Sessions, the Art Film Spirit Awards, Oniros Film Awards, Couch Film Festival, Jesup Film Festival and AltFF Alternative Flim Festival, it has also screened at the Cinema Variety Hour in Toronto. We hope to gain more traction in 2024.